vineri, 5 aprilie 2013


Cea mai consistenta si variata oferta de tacuri din gama McDermott pe stoc pt orice buzunar si nivel de joc la cele mai mici preturi de pe piata. Pentru cei care nu ma cunosc precizez inca o data faptul ca sunt dealer oficial McDermott de aprox 5 ani, acest lucru se poate verifica pe site ul McDermott, totul fiind f transparent:

McDermott este un nume in biliardul mondial aflandu se de zeci de ani pe piata si mentinandu si pozitia in top 5 mondial printre fabricantii de tacuri la nivel global. Fiind marca americana e mai putin accesibila la noi avand in vedere costurile comparativ cu noname urile care se vand in Europa unde in afara de Bear si Longoni nu prea avem cu ce ne lauda. Sunt printre putinii care isi desfasoara toata activitatea de productie in SUA si nu au apelat la compromisul realizarii unei fabrici low cost in Asia, in special China. De asemenea ofera garantie pe viata ceea ce spune totul privind calitatea tacurilor fabricate.

Oferta McDermott este f diversificata acoperind toata plansa de jucatori de la incepatori pana la profesionisti si de la cei cu venituri f mici pana la cei care isi permit orice. Indiferent de alegere convingerea mea este ca McDermott detin cel mai bun raport calitate/pret altfel nu m as fi axat doar pe ei, experienta mea in domeniu fiind f vasta, acest aspect neputand fi pus la indoiala.

Cursul de schimb valutar BNR calculat pt acest stoc de tacuri este cel de azi, 5 aprilie si anume 1USD=3,46RON.

I. McDermott Cue of the Month 

 Each month, we customize an existing cue for limited release. During that month, we waive the customization charge for the modifications. The customizations may include an upgraded wrap, a different stain or use of exotic woods or materials in inlays and rings. Check back every month to see what our designers come up with next and to get ideas on how you can customize your McDermott!

March G222C - 1090ron/315usd (reducere enorma de la 455usd/1575ron, oferta limitata)

II. McDermott G-Core Series

 All cues come standard with McDermott's top-selling G-Core Shaft, a $149 value! Cues feature intricate inlays and rings made from the most exotic woods and materials in the world.

- G206 - 230usd/795ron

- G222 - 275usd/950ron

III. McDermott Star Series - Top quality pool cues under $200

Star pool cues are some of the top billiard cue sticks available under $200. They feature premium maple and exotic woods, along with intricate 4-color overlays.

Every Star cue is designed, engineered and guaranteed for life by McDermott.

- S1 - 100usd/345ron

- S2 - 100usd/345ron (break/jump)

- S6 - 110usd/380ron

- S9- 120usd/415ron

- S10- 120usd/415ron

- S12- 120usd/415ron

- S17- 130usd/450ron

- SP6- 185usd/640ron

IV. Element Series

Element pool cues feature F2 Dual Fiber Core Technology that utilizes multiple strands of thin carbon fiber, overlapped and reinforced with our resin fiber-polymer. This combination makes them incredibly strong for their weight. The high strength-to-weight ratio provides optimal balance and durability while maximizing the power and stability of your stroke.

- ELEM03 - 95usd/330ron

- ELEM05 - 95usd/330ron

V. Licensed Pool Cues

1. Black Widow Cues

Jeanette Lee "Black Widow" Series 2 Pool Cue
Jeanette Lee has earned the nickname "Black Widow" for her killer style and performance. Own your very own Black Widow pool cue by McDermott.

- BWS2 - 85usd/295ron

2. Orange County Choppers Cues

Orange County Choppers, LiquidWick and McDermott Cue have partnered on a cue series loaded with attitude, style and of course...metal. The OCC2: Liberty features the OCC logo on the throat and sleeve. The cue is enhanced with 3 sets of black and white index rings and stainless steel joint and butt plate.

- OCC2 110usd/380ron

VI. Lucky Black and White Cues

Lucky cues are designed, engineered and exclusively distributed by McDermott Cue. Lucky cues offer a mix of premium maple cues and intricate graphic overlays. These features give you an exceptional value for one of the most solid hitting globally manufactured cues in the industry

- L36 - 79usd/275ron

- L37 - 79usd/275ron

Kit curatare tac - Shaft Meintenance Kit - 29usd/100ron

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